For BUSY Entrepreneurs Ready to Earn More… Do More… And Live More…

World’s Most Sought-After High-Performance Coach Reveals Secret 1-Page Exercise That Permanently REMOVES Mental-Blocks Around Money, Procrastination, or Fear of Failure…

And REWIRES Your Brain for Effortless Success in 20-Minutes or Less.

Used by A-List Marketers & High Level Entrepreneurs Such As:
Justin Goff, Ian Stanley, Dan Ferrari, Ed Scow, Peter Tzemis, Mike Abramov, David Deutsch, Henry Bingaman, Steve Gray, Jason Capital, & many more…  
Dear busy entrepreneur,
I’m going to show you how to REVERSE and REMOVE both negative-thoughts and mental-blocks – holding you back from the money, success, and freedom you rightfully deserve – in 20 minutes or less!

… With a single piece of notebook paper.

Sure, it looks like any old piece of notebook paper you can get from your local store...

But don’t be fooled.

This simple piece of paper can help you REWIRE your brain for effortless success and never again fall short of your highest earning potential.

As a result, you’ll be able to…
  • Remove mental-blocks around money so you can charge more, earn more, and invest more – without any decision anxiety or fear of failure .
  • Put an END to your procrastination habits so you can get MORE done in LESS time and achieve your biggest goals almost effortlessly.
  • Gain clarity of vision and reconnect with your inner purpose so you can feel ALIVE, motivated, and inspired again.
  • ​Develop a machine-like discipline so you’ll never again have to ignore your spouse, children, or other hobbies you’re passionate about just to get-ahead.
  • Overcome feelings of self-doubt and imposter syndrome so you can FREE yourself from perfectionism and cultivate unshakable confidence in your abilities.
Believe me when I say this piece of notebook paper is now the MASTER KEY to your subconscious.

The KEY to unlocking your fullest-potential in achieving almost anything you want in life..

… While becoming a MASTER of your own subconscious-mind, instead of being a slave to it.

I’m not making false promises either.

Because this same piece of notebook paper has helped countless other elite marketers and entrepreneurs (you may have heard of) remove their own mental-blocks too.
Entrepreneurs like: Justin Goff, Ian Stanley, Dan Ferrari, Ed Scow, Peter Tzemis, Mike Abramov, David Deutsch, Henry Bingaman, Steve Gray, Jason Capital, and more…

Now with all that said, let’s get deeper…

You’re here because you’re a business owner or freelancer who wants to make more money and achieve the success you deserve…

❗️ Maybe you’re so busy trying to make money that you don't even have time to enjoy life…
… Working 12+ hours a day from sun-up to sun-down. Struggling to un-plug while you’re on vacation, with your wife and kids, or even at night when you’re trying to fall asleep.
❗️ Maybe you feel like a hamster on a wheel, constantly running in circles trying to make progress…
… Wasting hours a day avoiding tasks, knowing you “should be working”... but dragging it out until you’re forced to work until 3am to avoid missing a deadline.
❗️ Maybe you're too afraid to take a necessary risk and make the leap, so you just keep working in your comfort zone…
… Shying away from charging bigger fees, asking for a well-deserved raise, or feeling undeserving of the rewards you reap – even when you do GREAT work.

In other words…

If you feel like something is “off” and holding you back from the life, career, success, and relationships you want in your life, then…

What you’re going to discover on this page will change your life.

Because in just a few minutes I'll show you how a quick, simple 1-page exercise...

Will put a swift, effortless END to your procrastination and workaholic tendencies…

ERASE mental blocks around making more money…

And allow you to have MORE control over your life overall.

That's because in not too long from now you will see how...

This simple 1-page written exercise can help erase your mental-blocks around money, success, self-doubt, and fear of failure in 20 minutes or less!

Even if…

  • You’re stuck in a loop of procrastination and never getting anything done.
  • You're so focused on your business and making money that you're neglecting your relationships and other important areas of your life
  • You're always comparing yourself to others and feeling like a failure for not being as successful as them
  • You're always worried about what other people think of you and your business rather than focusing on what you really want
  • You're so busy trying to make money that you're sacrificing your mental and physical health for it
  • You’re afraid to fail, so you avoid taking necessary risks in your business and stay stuck in the same place
  •  You’re indecisive and always second-guessing yourself and your value
  • You’re suffering from imposter syndrome and know you have potential, but can’t seem to unlock it
  • You're stuck in a never-ending cycle of procrastination, over-thinking, and self-doubt
  • You’re feeling burnt-out and dread taking-action on things you once had no trouble doing in the past

This might be hard to believe for someone like you.
Because if you’re still reading this page…

You’ve probably tried every solution imaginable…

… You’ve meditated in sun-light every morning. 🧘🏻‍♂️
… Spent HOURS of your day listening to podcasts. 🎧
… Chanted money-mantras and self-love affirmations in the mirror. 🗣
… Invested hundreds (and even thousands) of dollars in self-help books and NLP. 📚 
… Or even MORE into courses, mentors, masterminds, and events. 💻
… Maybe you even tried plant medicine, psychedelics, traditional therapy, and going as far as isolating yourself in another country. 🌱 🌎

But let me ask you this:

Has anything you’ve tried resulted in lasting and profound change… Or have you gradually felt yourself sink back into your old habits and way of being?

Have you ever wondered why?

The truth is…

Most “solutions” become a second-job that needs to be done day-in and day-out.

I’m sure you’ve had this experience…

Where you try something new and feel AMAZING.

But after a week goes by… what happens if you forget to meditate in the morning?

Or you go a day without your affirmations?

Or you forget to do your breathing exercises?

You end up right back where you started – feeling exactly how you always felt.

Like spinning on a hamster-wheel.

You’re putting in the effort… But going nowhere.

Taking 2-steps forward and 1-step back.

As you watch your goals moving further and further out of reach.

Not only will this drain your excitement, enthusiasm, and motivation…

But it can also trigger a vicious cycle of fear, self-doubt, and extreme levels of procrastination.

All of which feels like battling an invisible enemy.

But worst of all…

You feel completely ALONE in this struggle.

You notice other business owners in your network are in-control and “have it together.”

They seem to easily achieve their goals and make more money than you.

Meanwhile, it feels like you’ve been stuck in the same place for months – feeling like a complete failure.

Lying awake at night wondering…

How are they doing it? Where am I going wrong? What am I missing?

I know how hard it is.

Especially since I’ve helped thousands of business owners at this point, climb-out of similar circumstances.

Business owners who once suffered from the same mental-prison you’re in now.

I believe THAT’S why you’re here today…


Change that can become a permanent part of your life.

… Instead of endlessly running on a hamster-wheel feeling burnt-out.

That’s why what you’re about to see is so special.

It’s not a constant practice that becomes a second-job.

Whereas instead…

You can think of it like a surgeon with a scalpel that surgically removes the root source of your problem.

And although it only takes 20 minutes to do this exercise (way faster and easier than surgery).

… After those 20 minutes, whatever you use it on.

Whether it's:
  • Procrastination
  • Money blocks
  • Imposter syndrome
  • Self-doubt
  • Workaholic tendencies
  • Burn-out
  • Stress & anxiety
  • Ego
  • Risk Avoidance
  • Indecisiveness
  • Over-thinking
  • Guilt from working too-much, or
  • Working too-little
  • Procrastination
  • Money blocks
  • Imposter syndrome
  • Self-doubt
  • Workaholic tendencies
  • Burn-out
  • Stress & anxiety
  • Ego
  • Risk Avoidance
  • Indecisiveness
  • Over-thinking
  • Guilt from working too-much, or
  • Working too-little
Apply this 20-minute written exercise to ANY of the above…

And you'll feel the permanent change in that area.

After that, It’s completely up to you to keep going.

You can do this life-changing, 20-minute exercise once a day. Once a month. Or once a year.

It all depends on how often you want to experience deep, lasting change in your life.

But all it takes is 20 minutes to get started.

And after those 20 minutes, you’ll experience a change in the way you think, feel, and act…

Change that will stay with you for the rest of your life.

So once you point it at the procrastination that makes you blow deadlines and lose clients? – It's GONE.

Once you focus it on the “glass ceiling” that keeps you from making the money you deserve? – POOF!

And once you’ve aimed it at your need to keep working day and night? – That stress and guilt you’ve carried will finally melt away as a result.

And that’s just scratching the surface…

Because if you continue using this exercise to remove the “gunk” from your subconscious…

Not only will those specific problems disappear…

But YOU as a person will start transforming.

…Transforming into who you actually are.

… Feeling how you’ve always wanted to feel.

… And building the life and business you’ve always wanted to have.

You know it’s possible because you see it in others around you. 

I mean seriously, isn’t it weird how other business owners seem to easily sail right through almost any obstacle or adversity?

How some entrepreneurs struggle with crippling procrastination – while others have mastered a mechanical-like discipline… 

Or even how some people have this magnetic charisma packaged with unshakable-confidence you want to be around…

Why are some people stuck going in-circles for years… While others seem to effortlessly sail through any obstacle or adversity?
Why are some people stuck running in-circles for years…
  • Loss of motivation, enthusiasm, and sense of purpose in life
  • Disconnected from the most important people.
  • Emotional attachment to the business and unable to take risks in order to grow​
  •  Suffering from perfectionism and feeling exposed putting your work out there
  • Mental-blocks around money and charging higher rates you know you deserve deep down
  • Feeling burnt-out and unclear on how to move your business and life forward
  • Stuck in a cycle of procrastination, self-doubt, and imposter syndrome
  •  Risk avoidant, overthinking, and second-guessing your decisions
  • Watching others around you progressing faster and further while you feel stuck in the same place
  • Built-up anxiety from everything changing so fast that you can’t keep up
  • Fear of being judged by family and friends or caring what others think
  • Worst of all, without a single clue on how to break out…
While others seem to effortlessly sail through any obstacle or adversity?
  • Live in abundance with less blocks around receiving or investing money
  • Have higher self-esteem and self-worth 
  • Embrace risk and uncertainty while fearlessly taking action 
  • Strong relationships with co-workers and partners 
  • Balanced and more in-control of their emotions 
  • Manage stress and expectations more effectively
  • Room to think with greater creativity and innovation 
  • Live a healthier, more enjoyable lifestyle overall
  • Reach new levels of self-fulfillment and satisfaction
  • Courage to step out of their comfort zone and try new things.
  • Become more organized and productive in all areas of life 
  •  Feel connected to something bigger than themselves 
  • Effortless discipline “switch” they can flip-on whatever they need it 
Is it intelligence?

Money or connections?

Are they genetically more gifted than you?

Have they not experienced the same trauma or set-backs as a child?

Or Is this some form of magic anyone can tap-into?

The answer is simple...

Although it’s not “magic” or any other “whoo–whoo” jedi mind-trick…

Here’s PROOF that absolutely ANYONE can awaken their inner potential using this 1-page exercise…

“Thanks to the work I did with Brent, I'm able to be comfortable in my own skin. To the point I can be 10 times more productive, 10 times more charismatic, 10 times more effective as a leader, as a mentor, and as a colleague. Not to mention I’ve more than doubled what I was making.” - Michael Turner, Business Affairs Executive at Netflix
“I'm able to work on a project or work on an investment or create a new company, and I'm no longer dealing with the fears or the hesitations that I used to. And that means I'm able to move forward much faster, in a way that I never thought would be possible. I'm taking on bigger challenges, working on bigger things. Without the fears I used to have.” - Dimitri Onitsuk, ex Head of Marketing at Shopify, Retired Investor

“Everything’s changed in my life in every single way. The work with Brent truly is 360 degrees in your life - and I don't think that I'm unique in that. I have much more comfort with my work, I enjoy my work, I make more money doing it, I have a better relationship with my girlfriend, my social life is a lot better, my relationship with my parents has improved… working with Brent just makes everything work better.” - Dan Ferrari, A-List Marketer/Copywriter
“Thanks to the work I did with Brent, I'm able to be comfortable in my own skin. To the point I can be 10 times more productive, 10 times more charismatic, 10 times more effective as a leader, as a mentor, and as a colleague. Not to mention I’ve more than doubled what I was making.” 
- Michael Turner
Business Affairs Executive at Netflix
“Everything’s changed in my life in every single way. The work with Brent truly is 360 degrees in your life - and I don't think that I'm unique in that. I have much more comfort with my work, I enjoy my work, I make more money doing it, I have a better relationship with my girlfriend, my social life is a lot better, my relationship with my parents has improved… working with Brent just makes everything work better.” 
- Dan Ferrari
A-List Marketer/Copywriter
“I'm able to work on a project or work on an investment or create a new company, and I'm no longer dealing with the fears or the hesitations that I used to. And that means I'm able to move forward much faster, in a way that I never thought would be possible. I'm taking on bigger challenges, working on bigger things. Without the fears I used to have.” 
- Dimitri Onitsuk
ex Head of Marketing at Shopify, Retired Investor

This exercise is changing the lives of other elite entrepreneurs…

Mike Abramov, A-List Copywriter
Justin Goff, Email Marketing Expert
David Deutsch, A-List Copywriter
Jason Capital, Expert Marketer & Entrepreneur

This simple exercise is SO POWERFUL because it helps you master what I call “your 3 emotional states.”

These emotional states are the same for every person on Earth. 

I don't care if it's you, me, Elon Musk, or Michael Jordan... 

At any given moment – one of these 3 emotional states is in the driver’s seat of your subconscious

And they affect not only the quality of your life… but your ability to feel happy, fulfilled, and at-peace with what’s happening around you. 

The only problem is…

✅ One of these states leads to you getting the life you want…

❌ While the other two lead to ALL the problems we’ve been talking about. 

That’s why this written exercise works at a neurological level to completely, permanently, and automatically transform your life.

Because it puts you into the ONE state that will help you get everything you want and desire.

I know, it sounds like a lot of work at first…

But I promise it’s SO SIMPLE and takes up very-little time.

After working exclusively with countless entrepreneurs at almost every level, I can confidently say… 

I understand what’s on your plate right now.

I understand you have a million emails in your inbox…

I know you have phone calls to return and zoom meetings coming up…

I know you’ve got a never-ending list of things you “should” be spending your time on…

So let me make you a promise. 

Because the truth is…

I’ve seen more entrepreneurs than I can count, 2x, 3x, and even 5x their business with what I’m going to share with you

And I want to make you a similar promise that what you’re going to learn right now will completely level-up your mindset and your business 2x, 3x, and even 10x+ in 2023 and beyond!

Simply put, this could very well be THE most important message dedicated to your business that you’ll ever read.

Big promise, I know.

Prepare to BREAK FREE of the shackles in your life for GOOD when you stick with me to the very end of this message.

Because if you do…

You’re going to discover exactly how other 7-figure, 8-figure, and even 9-figure business owners have been able to press-delete on those negative thoughts causing procrastination…

Take a wrecking-ball to those mental-blocks around working 12 to 16+ hours a day – that’s been at the expense of your health and family… 

And finally unclog the mental drain that’s keeping THOUSANDS (or even hundreds of thousands) of dollars from entering your bank account, right now, if you weren’t in your own way.

But before I do, let me go ahead and introduce myself…
My name is Brent Charleton.

And I’m an executive high-performance coach and licensed psychotherapist based in Austin, Texas.

Since working in the mental-health space for almost 20 years now…

I’ve had the pleasure of working with a number of clients – from low-functioning individuals in San Francisco, to high-functioning CEOs of BILLION dollar businesses world-wide.

And currently one of the most sought-after high-performance coaches in the entrepreneur space today.

Despite my annual fee of $125,000… To this day, I have a 2-year wait-list to work with me exclusively.

Don’t get me wrong.
I’m incredibly proud and grateful I'm able to say that. 

And that’s because…
I still remember what it was like to be at the lowest point of my life…

By “low” I mean sleeping in a closet and living off Ramen Noodles…
Leaving my house at 5am and not getting home until 10pm (every day)...

And being unable to sit still for longer than 5 minutes from being so filled by fear and anxiety…

It's safe to say I’ve been in your shoes.
I know what you’re feeling.

That’s why I can say this:

… If you’re struggling right now. 

… If something feels “off.” 

… If you’re tired, overwhelmed, and stretched too thin.

There’s a light at the end of the tunnel. 

Because this method not only helped me build my life into what it is now…
But it’s also helped hundreds of people taste the success, wealth, and overall happiness they always imagined for themselves when starting their journey.

I’m talking about the kind of success that allows you to wake-up in the house of your dreams…

And allows you to fully unplug from work.
… So you can deepen the relationship with your spouse, experience once-in-a-lifetime moments with your kids, and start to truly enjoy the success you’ve worked so hard to build.

It means feeling excited, motivated, and fulfilled by what you’re doing.
It means feeling excited, motivated, and fulfilled by what you’re doing.

And finally REACHING those financial goals you set for yourself.

All of this doesn’t have to be something that only happens for other people… It can happen for you.
Because right now I’m going to reveal exactly how this simple piece of notebook paper can help you make it a reality for you.

Fair enough? – Good.

Let’s begin…

It all started when I hit rock bottom…

This was back in 2003 as I worked on getting my Masters in Psychology.

But it wasn’t just any Masters program… 

I was actually in an accelerated program that required 30+ hours a week – just so I could graduate in a single year.

While I did that? – I worked full-time at a Methadone Addiction Clinic.

And while I did that? I spent 2 hours a day at an ___ unpaid internship. 

And while ALL of this was happening… 

I felt trapped in an extremely toxic relationship at the time.

It was WAY too much for me to do all at once.

But at the time I thought to myself… “the more the better (and sooner) – right?”

I thought taking on more than I can handle was just part of who I was.

Maybe you can relate?

Whenever something is bothering you…

Whether it’s stress, procrastination, money troubles, or the irrational need to burn the candle at both ends…

It feels automatic – like a personality trait.

Like something you don’t have control over. And it’s just part of who you are.

You’re not sure why you do the things you do, you just… do.

And you can’t seem to stop or “switch it off” when you really want to.

Even when you KNOW it sabotages everything you hope to achieve.

Like a mental-prison you can’t escape.

I’ll explain more on exactly how that works in a minute.

But first I want you to understand…

“Biting-off more than I can chew” was part of who I was.

I took pride in doing all the things I did.

… No matter how overwhelmed, anxious, or exhausted it made me feel.

Hell, even friends and family would brag FOR ME about how much I was doing.

But deep down, I secretly knew it wasn’t sustainable.

I was on the fast-track to burning out.

Not to mention sacrificing my health, relationships, and well-being on my way there.
But even worse than that…

I couldn’t escape the feeling that I was just one-step-away from losing everything.

That I was ONE bad month…

ONE lost client…

ONE sick week away from losing it all… 

In this case, my gut was right.

When 9 months into my grad program… the house-of-cards collapsed, with me inside.

I still remember the look on my boyfriend’s face when he walked into the room.

I knew what was happening before the words “It’s not gonna work out” left his lips…

But when they did… I broke.
As soon as the door closed behind him, I burst into tears and fell to the floor.

All the stress, exhaustion, fear, and anxiety I had ignored for MONTHS was triggered to the surface.

For 48 hours I couldn’t get out of bed (That’s no exaggeration).

I could only find the strength to move when I was forced across town for town for my internship.

And even when I was there… I wasn’t really “there.”

But then it got worse.

As I waited for the bus that day…

A crushing pressure surrounded me from all sides…

My vision tunneled, while my ears began to ring. I couldn’t breathe.

My heart pounded so violently like it was going to burst from my chest…

I was having a severe panic attack!!

And it didn’t stop there...

After this episode, they started happening daily.

Even when I was just at home.

I couldn’t eat.

I couldn’t sleep.

It was impossible for me to keep up with my work and responsibilities.

For days I was a broken, fucked-up ugly cryer… (not at all the facade I had built for myself)

I started to wonder if this was who I was…

 would be like this for the rest of my life.

But after weeks of being locked away and isolated in my room…

I went to the bathroom and looked myself in the mirror for a solid 5-10 minutes.

It was that moment, with tears in my eyes… something clicked – NO WAY was this going to be my life.

I wanted to get better. I wanted to BE better.

But in order for this to happen, I needed to heal the broken mess inside.

I made a promise to myself I was going to find something that would help me.

And I was willing to do whatever it took.

So for 2 years, I tried EVERYTHING to fix how I felt.

I went to somatic therapy 3 times a week during my lunch break…

I devoured a new self-help book every 2-3 days…

I tried walking meditation through Golden-Gate Park, during our clinic breaks.

I even tried converting to Buddhism!

But no matter what I did… I never experienced lasting change in my life. 

For example…

I began every day with 20-minutes of meditation.

And when I did, I’d feel physically lighter and more solid (great).

But unless I followed-up with another meditation during my break…

That feeling would fade-away until the fear, stress, and anxiety would resurface again (not so great).

Therefore, the only way to pull myself out was to keep up with a “routine.”

As a result, I found myself doing meditations every 2-3 hours… 

… Was hyper-focused on diet and hydration.

… Along with journaling and breathing exercises to top it off.

It felt like I had a second full-time job!

That’s when I realized this was just a temporary solution.

Like putting a bandaid over a wound that clearly requires stitches.

Because much like meditation…

Every other solution I tried, didn’t solve my problem for good.

Instead, the meditations, self-help, affirmations, therapy sessions…

They only taught me how to manage my issues – rather than get rid of them for good.

But it wasn’t just me.

I noticed the same thing at the Methadone Clinic.

It took my patients (who were dependent on meeting with me each week) YEARS to make any meaningful progress from traditional methods and even eastern influence.

Something was missing.

If anyone was going to experience and deliver true, lasting change… I had to find it.

So after finishing my masters, I took a 3 year journey of consulting at clinics all across the country.

Throughout this journey, I worked with cognitive, cognitive-behavioral, somatic, and narrative forms of therapy.

Including psychodynamic, jungian and gestalt as well.

I was even exposed to plant medicine, Ketamine , and other forms of psychedelic therapy…

But NONE of it was the missing piece.

That was until I was hired as a consultant by one of the top-5 best addiction treatment clinics in the U.S. located in Mississippi.

That was the moment everything changed.

Because I was exposed to the concept of “Core Issues” by the work of someone named Pia Melody.

It wasn’t perfect, but it was a unique and powerful way to view a person’s subconscious.

And with a little tinkering of my own…

It’s now become the foundation for the 3 emotional states I’ve created, and use with my own clients today.

That’s why I want you to pay attention here.

Because if you can understand these 3 states, and how you relate to each one – it can grant you the power to know exactly what’s happening in your subconscious at any moment.

Previous clients have confessed that this framework is like “having a blindfold removed” or “seeing color for the first time.”

Yeah, It’s that transformational.

So give me your full attention, because here’s how it works:

At any given moment, every human alive is living in one of three states I call the…

The Child

The Teen

The Adult

We cross in-and-out of these 3 different states subconsciously.

And when we do…

The way we think, feel, and act changes as well.

That’s because…

Each state is a filter we see the world through.

Therefore, just like changing the lens of a camera will affect the final picture…

Changing your own internal state or “filter”, will change your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

You’re looking through ONE of these filters in every moment of your life (including this moment now).

Which is why it’s SO important to understand this.

Because once you have a firm idea of how each of these states work…

You’ll begin to notice them in-action throughout your life.

As a result, you’ll have a deeper understanding of how you think, feel, and act moment by moment.

And the best part?

This method allows you to CHOOSE which of these states you want to LIVE in.

With that said, let me tell you what it feels like to experience life through each one…

#1: The Child State

When you’re in the Child State, you’re going to experience strong and intense emotions.

Oftentimes, things will feel out-of-control, hopeless, or unfixable.

This can lead to feeling anxious, lonely, nervous, and “subpar” when comparing yourself to others.

Here are 4 indicators to look for when you’re in the…

Child State

#1:  Feeling like you're not as good as someone else or other people around you, that's a good indication your Child state is active.

This is feeling Less Than.

#2: Feeling overly worried about the future, an outcome, or something that might happen to you, your Child is most likely active.

This is feeling Exposed.

#3: Feeling like you're not the type of person that could successfully run a business. Or you don't have what it takes to become a good marketer. Or no matter what you do, it’s impossible to make the money you want and get to where you want to be… that is an indication of being in the Child State.

This is feeling Defective.

#4: And finally, feeling like you absolutely need to have something, like you are incomplete as a person without it… that is a good indication of the Child state.

And this is feeling Needy.

Common real-world examples of being in a Child State:

… Feeling like you're not qualified to speak in a room, or you’re not as good as other people… that’s an example of less than.

… Feeling afraid or nervous to ask for what you want in a negotiation… that’s an example of feeling exposed.

… Overly afraid of someone else looking at your work, or launching a product you’ve been working on… to the point you drag your feet on it… that’s an example of feeling exposed.

… When you feel like your work is no good, and you’ll never be able to improve… that’s an example of feeling defective.

… If you ever feel like you couldn’t have achieved your success, and that it was really due to luck… that’s an example of less than. 

… And when you feel like failure is not an option because you absolutely need to make it work and be a success… that’s an example of needy.

Hopefully this is helping you have a better idea of what the Child State looks like.

Now let me tell you about life experienced through the Teen filter.

#2: The Teen State

When you’re in a Teen State you’ll usually feel rigid, inflexible, and tight.

You’ll experience a lot of pressure to “do”, with a “my way or the highway” approach.
This includes struggling to give up control to other people, especially since you know you can do a better job than they can.

Here are 4 indicators to look for when you’re in the…

Teen State

#1: Feeling like you, as a person, are more talented, sophisticated, or worth more than another... that's an example of being in the Teen state.

This is feeling Better Than.

#2: You notice yourself putting a wall around yourself, being closed to advice, or avoiding something... that's an example of your Teen state.

This is feeling Closed.

#3: Feeling like everything you do has to be perfect, and not only yourself but other people need to make things perfect too... that's an example of your Teen state being active.

This is feeling Perfect.

#4: Feeling like you can't accept help from others, and have to take care of the needs of other people... that's an example of the Teen state being active.

And this is feeling Needless.

Common real-world examples of being in a Teen State:

… If you feel like you’re more qualified to speak than others, and others are lucky to be in your presence… that’s an example of better than.

… If you find yourself telling people how amazing you are and bragging about your wins… that’s an example of better than.

… If you struggle to take advice from others… if you find yourself putting up walls when you meet people… or if you avoid things that are new and scary… those are examples of being closed.

… If you feel that everything you work on needs to be perfect…

… Or consistently feel like what you’re working on isn’t “good enough”, no matter how long you spend on it… that’s an example of perfect.

… If you tend to take on everything yourself, or feel the urge to do so… and somehow insert yourself into every project no matter how small it is (even when you know that’s not the best use of your time).. That’s an example of needless.

That rounds out the Child and Teen.

Sure, you could still properly function in the Child State or be successful in Teen State.

But being constantly weighed down by fear, anger, doubt, and shame is no way to live your life.

That’s why I’m excited to show you the final state.

Because living in an Adult state is the key to unlocking the money, success, and fulfillment you deserve… while feeling your best along the way.

❌ The Child is intense, scattered, and unpredictable…

❌ The Teen is rigid, isolated, and inflexible…

✅ But the Adult is stable, balanced, and rational. 

#3: The Adult State

When you’re in the Adult State you’ll feel clear of mind with the confidence to push through challenges in your life.

Here are 4 indicators to look for when you’re in the…

Adult State

#1: You have an easier time setting boundaries. And you feel that quiet confidence that things will work out.

#2: You don’t worry about failure. And you understand making mistakes is a part of the road to success.

#3: You feel shoulder-to-shoulder with other people, no matter how successful (or unsuccessful) they are.

#4: You’re not afraid to ask for things. And know deep down that you, as a person, are OK on your own.

As you live your life…

You subconsciously move between 1 of these 3 emotional states.

And depending on which state you are in determines the way you think, feel, and act in any given moment.

When you’re NOT worried about what happened in the past, or focused on trying to control the future…

When you’re at total peace and completely focused on this moment now…

That's your Adult State – helping you make the BEST decisions for what’s in front of you.

And it’s only when you’re in the Adult State that life can truly flow for you.

… So that you can get everything you’ve ever wanted almost effortlessly.

But here’s the catch

The Adult State is temporary, and almost NEVER present around things most important to you…

But this 1-page written exercise makes it possible for you to LIVE in the Adult State.

Here’s how…

Once I started seeing my life through those 3 emotional states… I began to understand my emotional triggers on a very deep level.

The crippling anxiety and panic attacks as I waited for the bus? – That was me feeling exposed in the Child State.

That unrelenting pressure to burn the candle at both ends? – That was me pushing towards perfection in my career as my Teen.

These 3 emotional states helped me understand what was happening…

Everything was becoming more clear.

But only understanding my problems wouldn’t permanently get rid of them.

… And allow me to remove the negative thoughts dragging me back into the Child and Teen.

I had to figure out a quick, effective, and reliable way to REMOVE the blocks that kept me from the Adult State.

One that didn’t require sitting in an office for 2 hours a day, 3 days a week for the next decade.

This kicked me off on a 4-year journey in-attempt to fix this issue for myself, and my patients.

But even after investing thousands of hours into it…

I still didn’t have a permanent bridge from the Child/Teen to the Adult.

At this point, I began to doubt my own knowledge and discoveries.

… That every person was “stuck” with who they are for life.

And just when I was about to accept reality for what it was… That’s when I found the missing piece to the puzzle.

A profound technique called Chairwork.

It’s an intervention therapists use to open your subconscious and work with you at a DEEP level.

And after weeks, months, and years of tweaking this powerful practice (while being only 1 of 2 people in the U.S. who are using it today)...

Mixed with everything else I had discovered along my journey after years of research around the country…

I was finally able to permanently REMOVE my own mental blocks… and successfully move myself back into the Adult State.

And let me tell you, the experience was unlike any other.

I can remember feeling a weight being lifted from my shoulders.

I felt more relaxed, calm, and present.

I was ok with who I was… where I was… and why.

This was new. This was different.

And I knew it was real when my roommates saw me for the first time.

I remember they looked at me funny. Saying…

“You seem different. What’s going on with you?”

I KNEW I struck gold as I kept hearing this… over and over again from the people around me.

So I decided to test it with one of my clients.

We began a 5 day intensive of deep, emotional work.

And sure enough…

My client became FREE of her negative thoughts and faulty programming as well.

… Spending more time in the functional adult state, and permanently removing the blocks around her career AND marriage.

She felt more balanced and in-control of her emotions, while managing her stress levels.

But when I saw her next… My jaw hit the FLOOR.

Because only a month later, she walked into my office significantly thinner….

10-15 lbs had to have been GONE from her waist in only a month!

I couldn’t believe it!

I saw, with my own eyes, that after removing the blocks that kept her in the Child and Teen state around her work…

She also started eating better, lost her nervous ticks, and just started living a better, happier life.

That's because when you remove blocks at a core level…

You begin to see changes and improvements in ALL areas of your life, not just one.

It was that moment… I knew this was it.

But it still wasn’t quite right yet.

Not only because results like that required 5 days of intense, emotionally exhausting work…

But also because it was reliant on me.

Sure, I could give her step-by-step instructions on exactly what to do and why.

But if I wasn’t there to help guide her, she wouldn’t experience those life-changing results.

On account of this, it wasn’t good enough.


Because I wanted something anyone could do, anywhere.

Whether it’s from home, your favorite coffee shop, or at the park.

… And WITHOUT requiring someone else to guide the process.

Which is exactly what I’ve been working on for the last 13 years.

A reliable method ANYONE can use to transfer themselves from the Child and Teen state and into the Adult and LIVE there.

And after 13 long years…


I’m THRILLED to announce my very own, unique and truly revolutionary, transformational coaching technique…

I call it… 

The Correction Method

For a long time, changing the brain was thought to be impossible.

But thankfully, that’s not the case.

Because whether you’re 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, or even 90 years old.

This 1-page written exercise can help you undo any unconscious programming that’s been keeping you stuck in the Child or Teen state.

And it’s all possible thanks to something called neuroplasticity.

If you haven’t heard of it before…

It’s your brain's ability to adapt, change, and grow.

So you can rewrite old harmful habits with new helpful ones.

Which is exactly what happens when you use My Correction Method™ the way I teach.

Think of it like opening up the hood of your car to replace the old rusty engine with a brand-spanking new one!

And once you’re able to permanently remove the blocks keeping you from living in your Adult State…

And your subconscious thoughts are aligned with the way you want to see the world…

Everything will start working in your favor.

🏆 You’ll feel more empowered – without a desperate need to prove your worth or seek validation from others.

🏆 You’ll have a clear-mind and feel comfortable in your own skin.

🏆 You’ll have a newfound level of confidence with an abundant mindset.

🏆 You’ll feel creative, driven, and motivated in all areas of your life (not just business).

That fear you’ve been carrying into your biggest challenges will be cut at the root.

You’ll be able to sail through any adversity WITH the wind instead of against it.

I know it’s a bold promise.

But you don’t have to take my word for it…

More PROOF The Correction Method Helps You BREAK FREE of Your Own Mental-Prison…

“Literally, I did one correction and it felt like lifting a 1,000 pounds off of me. I'm like, ‘Oh my God’, if I could do this 10 times, it's 10,000 pounds. And that is exciting, like the light at the end of the tunnel feels really, really light.”

– Sarah

I used to rush through everything, feeling like I had to finish everything immediately or even yesterday. But since taking this course, I've learned the power of patience and understanding myself better. By taking the time to apply the correction process to specific areas of my life, I've actually made more money while working less. It's the single biggest difference this course has made for me. If you're ready to lay a strong foundation for yourself and see real results in your life, I highly recommend this course.

– Ian Stanley

Working with Brent was a game-changer for me. He has a unique approach that involves unlearning old habits and focusing on serving people better. Although he introduced himself as a therapist, he's grounded in psychology and education, and his ability to connect with people intuitively sets him apart from any other counselor or psychology major I've talked to. If you're looking for a fresh perspective and someone who truly cares about helping you, I highly recommend working with him.

– Jessica

“Literally, I did one correction and it felt like lifting a 1,000 pounds off of me. I'm like, ‘Oh my God’, if I could do this 10 times, it's 10,000 pounds. And that is exciting, like the light at the end of the tunnel feels really, really light.” – Sarah [last name].

“The corrections I’ve done have changed my life in every way. I basically got started in 2018 and I’ve gone from living at my parents to buying my own house, making $40,000 to now multiple 6-figures, feeling I can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the most successful people in the business, and am basically being asked to come in as a partner on multiple businesses. And I can guarantee none of it would have happened had I not met Brent and got started with this work.” – Alec Rosa.

“Procrastination was this pattern I was in. And I was just in it. Like it almost feels impossible to break out of cause it’s almost unconscious. And then I corrected it. And I found myself in the same situation. But I wouldn’t procrastinate. And I would do what I wanted instead. And it’s just kind of unconscious. Like I noticed it immediately when I went to work again. And I didn’t even have to try.” – Ross O’Lachlan.

The Correction Method works pretty much 100% of the time for 100% of the people who use it.

It’s worked for them. Over and over again.

And for countless others from all different backgrounds, ages, and struggles.

I’m confident this will change your life too.


You don’t need a PhD, 10 years of grad school, or a clinical license.

I made this so anyone could do it.

All you have to do is implement what I show you.

Imagine having the power to make LASTING change in any area of your life whenever you need it…

… Imagine how it would feel to FINISH your work day while the sun is up – so you can make time for your kids, your spouse, and the other areas of your life.

… Imagine how much you could get done if you REMOVED procrastination from your life down to the root – Instead of continuing to allow it to hinder you, day by day year after year.

… Imagine being able to instantly recognize, confront, and REPLACE your limiting beliefs around money, relationships, and self-worth.

… How it would feel to finish a project ahead of schedule – instead of cramming everything into the last 48 hours before it’s due.

… How it would feel to confidently charge higher fees, ask for what you’re worth, and never again doubt that you’re worth the money and success flowing toward you.

Picture yourself there now.

… You’re RELEASED from the tight grip of fear and procrastination they have had on you for all your life to this point.

… You’re FILLED with courage, creativity, and the hunger to pursue more of the right opportunities that speak to your truth and values.

… You’re ready to TACKLE your next big project and make a difference in the world.

Not only would that be great, but also… 

You’ll never be forced to out-up with temporary solutions ever again.

What can you replace?

  • 52 sessions of Therapy: $250 each (low tier) – $13,000 (1 hr each – 52 hr
  • 2 Tony Robbins Events a Year: $8,000 (4 days each plus travel – 10 days)
  • 20 Self-Help Books a Year: $600 (5 hr per book – 100 hr)
  • Ayahuasca Retreats: $2,000 (2-6 Days Each – 4-12 Days )
  • Meditation App: $100 (20 Minutes a Day – 5 Days)
  • More…

Total: $23,700 + 25 to 33 Days

That’s almost $25,000 and an ENTIRE MONTH of your life you’re getting back! 

Look, I’m not saying after this you’ll never need another book, mediation, or Ayahuasca retreat ever again.

But what I am saying is you won’t HAVE to.

And if you do?

It’ll be because you WANT to.

Not out of desperation to “fix” yourself.

On top of that…

You can remove ALL the guilt and anxiety you used to feel after missing a meditation… reading a chapter… shouting affirmations to yourself in the mirror… or any other temporary “solutions.”

You will literally FEEL the weight lifted off your shoulders after the first correction.

… And experience REAL, permanent transformation in your life.

In fact, I’m even going to guarantee it!

But before I do that, let’s talk about what’s included…

What’s Included With

The Correction Method

The first thing you get with my Correction Method™ will be instant access to what I call… 

Bonus #1 : 4 Correction Method™  Walkthrough Calls With Brent

Value :$2,000 

We’re starting in 3 weeks!

This is a LIVE weekly zoom call where I’ll take you by the hand, step-by-step, through writing corrections, answering any questions you have, and actually writing corrections WITH YOU.

So if you’re looking for a little more guidance or “hand-holding” to show you firsthand how corrections are done… This is it.

They’re also recorded, so you’ll have access to go back and re-watch whenever you want!

However, I’m only doing this live ONCE.

Like I said, this starts in 3 weeks.

So right now you have time to go through the course, prepare, journal, and do everything you need to get the most out of it.

And in just 3 short weeks I’ll be joining you LIVE (for ONE-TIME ONLY) to make this crystal clear – so you can start making effective corrections right away.
That’s #1.

You’re also getting…

BONUS #2: Instant Access to Automatic Corrections. 

Value :$2,500 

When I ran this as a live event it was $2,500 a seat.

And now you’ll have access to watch it whenever, wherever, forever!

It’s everything you need to get the MOST out of every correction you write.

So whether you want to end your procrastination habits…

You want to have an easier time “unplugging” from work…

You want to remove that glass ceiling around money…

… Or all three.
Whatever you decide, you’ll create permanent change with that one hot-button area that bothers you the most…

For the rest of your life!
Total Value: $2,500
Traffic Secrets Bundle

Let's Recap

  Brent Charleton’s Correction Method ™  ($3,000 Value)
  BONUS #1: 4 Correction Method™ Walkthrough Calls With Brent($2,500 Value)
  BONUS #2: Instant Access to Automatic Corrections.   ($2,000 Value)

TOTAL VALUE: $8,000.

POOF! – The stress, fear, anxiety, and self-doubt holding you back is GONE… 
How much would you pay for that?
You’re an entrepreneur, marketer, or freelancer who’s worked HARD to get where you are.

I respect that.

So I’m not going to charge you $8,000.

But theoretically, let’s say I did charge you $8,000…

Think about the ONE thing that’s been holding you back from the success and money you KNOW you deserve for the last 5, 10, 15, maybe even 20 years…

Now I want you to think about what your life could look like – if you were able to erase this ONE thing.

Not just for today… but for the rest of your life.

How much would that be worth to you?

Think about the stress and anxiety you’ve put-up with all this time because of it…

If I were to wave my “magic-wand” across your face – POOF!

And you were to NO LONGER suffer from the same doubts, fears and anxieties you’ve experienced until this moment now…

Would you be willing to pay $8,000?

If my correction method™ was able to wipe-away your procrastination…

And allow you to regain the hunger and focus you need to achieve the success you want in your life…

Would that be worth it?

If ALL I did was allow you to make 20% more this year (which is totally possible considering my clients routinely double, triple or even 5x their income in a single year)...

Would that be worth $8,000?

Here’s the reason I’m asking you this question…

I want to give you everything you need to better guarantee your success.

So I’m willing to cut you a deal…

I was torn between two choices when creating this offer for you…

I could drop the price and make it super cheap – by leaving out the incredible pieces which allow you to make permanent, lasting changes in your life (and in the shortest time possible).

But the idea of purposely holding myself back from giving you the keys to unlock the life you deserve… didn’t sit right with me.

… Which led me to the second option.

It requires a little more investment on your end, but…

I want to give you everything you need to better guarantee your success.

You know what you’ve tried in the last 5, 10, 15 years to solve your issues…

Don’t get me wrong.

I’m not saying you haven’t been able to achieve success despite what you’re going through.

But deep down, you know something’s “off.”

… Or at the very least, things could be better.

So if we could make permanent change, not just for the next hour…

The next day…

The next week…

… But for the rest of your LIFE.

What would that be worth to you?

Because although my one-on-one clients pay me $125,000 a YEAR to get rid of their most pressing problems…

You’re not going to pay $125,000.

And although there’s a 2-year long waitlist for you to work one-on-one with me to begin with…

I’m not going to make you wait 3 years.

With all that said…

You could say what I’m giving you today is worth at LEAST $50,000.

You won’t be paying $50,000 either.

I’m going to cut you a deal.

When I used to do live-events, I’d charge $2,500 a seat.

$2,500 for the same information (one time only).

With that being the case, I considered making the price $1,997.

Fair enough, right?

But today, because you stuck with me to the very end of this message (which means you’re COMMITTED to moving forward, and changing your life)...

You can start your first correction today for a one-time payment of $997

(or four monthly payments of $397)
Traffic Secrets Bundle



Backed by Top Marketers & Entrepreneurs:

Justin Goff, Ian Stanley, Dan Ferrari, Ed Scow, Peter Tzemis, Mike Abramov, David Deutsch, Henry Bingaman, Steve Gray, Jason Capital, and more…
Here’s What You Get:
  • Brent Charleton’s Correction Method™ .    ($3,000 VALUE)
  • BONUS #1: 4 Course Walkthrough Calls w/ Brent($2,500 VALUE)
  • BONUS #2: Instant Access to Automatic Corrections.   ($2,500 VALUE)

Total Value : $8,000

Regular Price: $1,997


4 monthly payments of
(Save $1,000.00 today with this limited time special offer)
 You’re Protected By My 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee And Unconditional Refund Policy

Here’s What Happens When You Order

You’ll be taken to our secure checkout page where you’ll enter your basic information.

It only takes about 30 seconds, and once you’re done — you’ll be given instant access to my full transformational Correction Method™ Course.

This is where you’ll be able to immediately begin your first 1-page, 20-minute correction.

And remember…

All you have to do is apply The Correction exercise to ANY major issue you’re currently dealing with.

And you'll feel the permanent change in that area.

After that, It’s completely up to you to keep going.

But you won’t want to stop.

Because once you experience the rush of feeling LIBERATED from the old habits and blocks holding you back from the money and success you deserve…

There’s no going back.

… You’ll have a healthier work-life balance for yourself.

… The courage to take-action and embrace risk – while standing in the face of fear.

… And more digits in your bank account than you ever thought possible for yourself.

A dream you never have to wake-up from.

However, if you’re still wondering by now…

“But Brent, what if lightning strikes… And this doesn’t work for me?”

I get it.

I’ve made a lot of promises to you today.

But the truth is…

MANY of my clients, experiencing the success they are now… Were also skeptical if this could work for their situation.

And regardless of having an endless list of successful business owners ready to back-up virtually every single promise I’ve made on this page to you today…

I’m going to guarantee it.

So here it is…

If You Don’t Feel Like You’ve Gotten 10X The Value From My Transformational Correction Method In The Next 60-days…

It’s Yours FREE.

If my Correction Method™ doesn’t change your life… I don’t want your money.


You don’t have to commit to anything right now.

I want you to try it out for 60 days.

So sign up today… Write a correction… Experience what permanent transformation feels like.

And when 60-days go by…

If you’re not living in abundance with a healthier, wealthier life overall – with more energy, focus, and motivation than ever before…

My team will refund you 100% of your investment no questions asked.

Remember this is your life.

This is the opportunity to make real, permanent change wherever you need it most.

And I’m willing to remove ALL the risk for you to take a chance in making it happen.

You have nothing to lose, so give it a shot!
Traffic Secrets Bundle



Backed by Top Marketers & Entrepreneurs:

Justin Goff, Ian Stanley, Dan Ferrari, Ed Scow, Peter Tzemis, Mike Abramov, David Deutsch, Henry Bingaman, Steve Gray, Jason Capital, and more…
Here’s What You Get:
  • Brent Charleton’s Correction Method™ .    ($3,000 VALUE)
  • BONUS #1: 4 Course Walkthrough Calls With Brent  ($2,500 VALUE)
  • BONUS #2: Instant Access to Automatic Corrections.   ($2,500 VALUE)

Total Value : $8,000

Regular Price: $1,997


4 monthly payments of
(Save $1,000.00 today with this limited time special offer)
 You’re Protected By My 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee And Unconditional Refund Policy


The fact you’re still with me here at the end of this message proves the solutions you currently have aren’t working the way you want.

You know you’re capable of great things.

But it’s YOU who must take the necessary action to reach your financial goals and finally release yourself from the shackles of procrastination and self-doubt.

With that being said…

You now have two options going forward…
You can leave this page now, and ignore everything you’ve read to this point.
You can welcome-back your old, comfortable ways of procrastination, self-doubt, and lack of confidence – thieving you from the money and success you deserve for your efforts…
Nothing will change.

You’ll continue your plateau, and struggle to break-through to the next level in your business…

But at least you’ll be comfortable.

However, my guess is you’re here today because you need to make a specific change in your life.

Which brings us to the second option…


You can temporarily set-aside your comfort, and…

Make a one-time investment in yourself – that puts you in a position to enjoy YEARS of money, achievement, and personal growth that compounds with every year.

An investment in YOUR GROWTH that is completely risk-free (backed by a 60-day money-back guarantee).

That means, with ONE CLICK on this page…

You’ll have risk-free access to a POWERFUL exercise that can be done anywhere, anytime.

An exercise that reprograms your subconscious to work FOR YOU in achieving great success, money and freedom…

… Instead of against you – keeping you stressed, burnt-out, and working in your comfort zone.
  • No more working 12+ hours a day from sun-up to sun-down...
  • No more struggling to unplug while you’re on vacation, with your family, or when it’s time to sleep…
  • No more wasting hours a day scrolling and avoiding the tasks you “should be working on…”
  • No more holding yourself back from charging bigger fees and asking for the money you deserve…
As a result, you may become unrecognizable.

Feeling like a brand-new person from the inside-out.

Like a snake shedding its old skin.

But best of all…

You’ll experience a subtle sense of pride rush over you for finally having the courage to take back control of your life.

As I said before, this is the MASTER KEY to unlocking your fullest-potential in achieving almost anything you want.
But it’s YOU who must insert the key into the lock, and TURN IT.

Now is your chance.

So do your future-self the highest favor, right now, by opening that lock and joining me inside The Correction Method™ by clicking the button below!

The version of you 5-years from now is thanking you already,

– Brent Charleton
Traffic Secrets Bundle



Backed by Top Marketers & Entrepreneurs:

Justin Goff, Ian Stanley, Dan Ferrari, Ed Scow, Peter Tzemis, Mike Abramov, David Deutsch, Henry Bingaman, Steve Gray, Jason Capital, and more…
Here’s What You Get:
  • Brent Charleton’s Correction Method™ .    ($3,000 VALUE)
  • BONUS #1: 4 Course Walkthrough Calls With Brent  ($2,500 VALUE)
  • BONUS #2: Instant Access to Automatic Corrections.   ($2,500 VALUE)

Total Value : $8,000

Regular Price: $1,997


4 monthly payments of
(Save $1,000.00 today with this limited time special offer)
 You’re Protected By My 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee And Unconditional Refund Policy


My name is Brent Charleton

And I’m an executive high-performance coach and licensed psychotherapist living in Austin, Texas.

In my early days of working in traditional psychology, I quickly realized that we were only treating the surface-level symptoms like anxiety and depression etc.

But nothing seemed to be getting to the root of people's problems. Something was missing.

Therefore, I was inspired to create my own process. One that is both deep and very transformational by working with the core root of the problem, instead of just treating the symptom.

A process that pairs deep awareness with a specific application, allowing individuals (regardless of their struggle) to see permanent change in all areas of their life.

And since working in the mental-health space for almost 20 years now…

I’ve had the pleasure of working with a number of clients, from low-functioning individuals in San Francisco to high-functioning CEOs of BILLION dollar businesses world-wide.

And becoming currently one of the most sought-after high-performance coaches in the entrepreneur space today.

My specialty is helping high-achievers identify and resolve the blocks holding them back from their success.

After having worked with almost a thousand people over the past couple decades…

I’ve found that most of them not only feel like something is missing from their life, but many feel blocked in achieving the level of success they want and feel they deserve.

Maybe this is something you’re experiencing now?

Maybe you have a great life already, but you’re just not where you want to be. 

And no matter how many books, seminars, meditations, podcasts, bio-hacks, etc. that you’ve tried…

Deep down you may feel like something is just a bit “off.

It could be your business or career, your health, or maybe your relationships where you feel stuck.

And how all the tools you’ve used in the past aren’t quite working like they used to anymore.

Or maybe you just want the edge to take your life to the next level.

No matter what it is , after having helped countless of other elite entrepreneurs experience the money, success, and freedom of their dreams ...

There’s a very good chance I can help you make the permanent transformation you’ve been looking for



If you feel like something is missing from your life…

If you feel like you may be blocked from the money you deserve and the success that you want…

Or that you’re just not where you want to be in your business and nothing you’ve tried has helped you break through to that next level…

This is for you.

Whether it’s procrastination, money-blocks, imposter syndrome, workaholic tendencies, or guilt from working too-much or too-little…

My 1-page correction can help you feel permanent, lasting change in any area of your life.

It’s a bold claim, but that’s why it’s worked for so many successful entrepreneurs already.

Entrepreneurs like: Justin Goff, Ian Stanley, Dan Ferari, Ed Scow, Peter Tzemis, Mike Abramov, David Deutsch, Henry Bingaman, Steve Gray, Jason Capital, & more…



If my Correction Method™ doesn’t change your life… I don’t want your money.

And I’m removing ALL the risk so you can give it a shot.

Which means you don’t have to commit to anything right now.

So sign up today… Write a correction… Experience what permanent transformation feels like.

And when 60-days go by…

If you’re not living in abundance with a healthier, wealthier life overall – with more energy, focus, and motivation than ever before…

My team will refund you 100% of your investment no questions asked.

This is the opportunity to make real, permanent change wherever you need it most.

And best of all…

You have nothing to lose!



My Correction Method™ is SO SIMPLE and only takes around 20-minutes.

… After those 20 minutes, whatever you use it on.

Whether it’s procrastination, money-blocks, imposter syndrome, workaholic tendencies, or guilt from working too-much or too-little…

Apply my 20-minute Correction to ANY of the above…

And you'll feel the permanent change in that area.

After that, It’s completely up to you to keep going.

You can do this life-changing, 20-minute exercise once a day. Once a month. Or once a year…

And it can be done from the comfort of home, while you travel, your favorite coffee shop, or the local park.

It’s completely up to you.

But all it takes is 20 minutes to get started.


 All you have to do is click the big button that says “YES, GIVE ME ACCESS TO

And You’ll be taken to our secure checkout page where you’ll enter your basic information.

It only takes about 30 seconds.

And once you’re done, you’ll have instant access to my full transformational Correction Method™ Course.

Where you’ll be able to immediately begin your first 1-page, 20-minute correction.

And remember…

All you have to do is apply The Correction exercise to ANY major issue you’re currently dealing with.

And you'll feel the permanent change in that area.

But I should probably warn you…

Once you experience the rush of feeling LIBERATED from the old habits and blocks holding you back from the success you deserve…

There’s no going back.

… You’ll have a healthier work-life balance for yourself.

… The courage to take-action and embrace risk – while standing in the face of fear.

… And more digits in your bank account than you ever thought possible for yourself.

You will shed your old skin, and begin to feel like a brand-new person.

Even others may not be able to recognize the new you.

With that said, proceed with caution at the risk of permanently removing your old, defective, exposed, and closed-off self…

Click the button below to begin your transformational journey now.
Traffic Secrets Bundle



Backed by Top Marketers & Entrepreneurs:

Justin Goff, Ian Stanley, Dan Ferrari, Ed Scow, Peter Tzemis, Mike Abramov, David Deutsch, Henry Bingaman, Steve Gray, Jason Capital, and more…
Here’s What You Get:
  • Brent Charleton’s Correction Method™ .    ($3,000 VALUE)
  • BONUS #1: 4 Course Walkthrough Calls With Brent   ($2,500 VALUE)
  • BONUS #2: Instant Access to Automatic Corrections.   ($2,500 VALUE)

Total Value : $8,000

Regular Price: $1,997


4 monthly payments of
(Save $1,000.00 today with this limited time special offer)
 You’re Protected By My 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee And Unconditional Refund Policy
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